Make Peace With The Situation (Alkisah Tentang Sidang Skripsi)

On the beginning of January until February is the hardest day to me and also i was felt getting so much wisdom from God. Starting when i was trying to get two signing from my mentors. It's easier on the beginning to get one signing from Professor Suyitno. To get one signing from Mrs. Ermi, i almost followed her to Jogjakarta. But thank God it wasn't really happen. I was met her in Senen Station, in the morning at 8 a.m, in front of fast food restaurant that wasn't opened yet. It was take a long time to get a signing, it takes 1.5 hours. She was angry with me because i was just guidance with her 4 times. I knew that i was wrong on that time, so i kept apologies to her. Finally at the end of meeting with her, i got a signing from her and my apologies was accepted.

Problem to get two signing from my mentors was done.
Senen Station become a witness my struggle to graduated from university.

"If you want to admitted your fault to somebody, then admitted it. Don't you ever deny it."


On a last day registration and filing to 'sidang skripsi' is the one of miracle on my life and maybe for my friends too. I was thought i can't registration because one of my document was missing but finally i found it on a pile of old documents. And i think that was a scenario from God, 3 of my friends can registration for 'sidang skripsi', when the time is almost over.

At 5 p.m.

In a hallway on 2nd floor, in front of administration room, we shout a thousands gratitude to god who helping ours to make this happen.


One step closer to get a tittle bachelor of education!

"If you have something that's important to championed, don't you ever feel hopeless and not to do something to make it happen. Don't! You must to fight, trying as much as you can do, and pray to God for everything that can be happen to you. Miracle will come to you."


Time to 'sidang skripsi' will begin. On Tuesday, 13th February 2018. I was going through on 2 trial, i called it 'sidang skripsi'. Although in a schedule i start on 5 p.m, but unfortunately i was going on first trial at 11 a.m with Mr. Massus as my examiner lecturer. 30 Minutes in trial room was going bad, too bad for me because i was just answering 3 questions about electrical motor. He knew my weakness, he was asking me about star delta circuit and how it works. And what i've done was nothing, i was just drawing forward-reverse circuit, not star delta.

30 Minutes was over, and i felt like my 1st trial was failed.

After 30 minutes was like in a deepest hell and then waiting for my 2nd trial. I was waiting my turn with reading and praying. I always hope that i can serve this trial without fail and i can answer all of questions from my lecturers.

Then 5 p.m was come, and it's was my turn.

I walked on my trial room with full of hope that i can answer their questions. On presentation time, i felt like i can handle this. Presentation time was clear. Questions time was coming. First questions from Mr. Djaohar, about electrical motor forward-reverse circuit. And thank God i can answer all of questions from him. Andthen Mr. Daryanto was coming, he asked me about my research. He asked me, 

"Is that your reseach was experiment research?"

"Did you think you can do your reseach without treatment?'

"I ask you, how many experiment on your research? And how you do your experiment without treatment?"

I can answer all of them, without fear and so sure.

But then, he laugh.

Very loud.

He laugh with Mr. Djaohar. They laugh to me.

He said,

"How can you do a research without any treatment of it? Just once? It isn't experiment as you know. It is not an experiment because you just doing treatment one time. Where you get this idea? For the sake of God, you get wrong."

After he said that, he was debate with my mentor, Prof. Suyitno. In this situation, i think there's different opinion between them. I felt pity to my mentor, because he was like underestimated. Prof. Suyitno was sure that my research was right. He was defend me.

I was very thankfull because my mentor believing on me and defend me in front of two judges, Mr. Daryanto and Mr. Djaohar.

And then Mr. Daryanto said again to me, 

"Are you sure about that? Your experiment is wrong. This isn't experiment, not an effect research. You're not doing a treatment at least 3 times, you just give them a questions test one time and then you analyze it. You're wrong. You must replace your tittle on your skripsi not the effect of form questions test but the study of giving form questions test. And you must doing a treatment at least 3 times."

"You can change it later"

After that, he asked me to leaving this room to discuss that i pass this test or not.

During waiting the announcement, i always prayed to God that i must pass the test because i can't let my mother waiting for my gaduated too long.

'I must pass this test and graduated on march or i will be a job seeker with just high school diploma.'

'God, please helped me to make my dream come true.' I prayed.

Almost 15 minutes and then he call me to enter the trial room. He announce to me that i pass this test.

Yep, pass.



"But as a note, you change the tittle on your skripsi and give this research treatment at least 3 times... or 2 times. We'll giving you one week to fix your skripsi." He said.

Although there's so much revisions on my skripsi, but it doesn't matter because i pass the test. And i promised to my two mentors that i will fix my skripsi as fast as i can.

I can't stop to said thank you to my two mentors and also three examiner lectures because they letting me to pass the test and make me a bachelor of education. And of course i really thank to God. Really really thankfull.

"God knew that His servant was really worked hard, always trying really hard, always praying to God that can giving his servant a miracle. Remember, God always listening prayer from his servant. You can dreaming, but you should try and pray to make your dream come true. Make peace with the situation, submit all your problem to God and be sure that God can help you out."


Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin, thank you god i can pass this test.
Such a happy day!
With selly and nimas. We did it!
With my bestfriends since 1st semester on campus
With my lovely 1st mentor, Prof. Suyitno
With my lovely 2nd mentor, Mrs. Ermi

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Indira Pratiwi

Jakarta based ilustrator & dreamer. Born on 90's era. So, i like everything about 90's. More artwork, lets check:

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