Adiós 2017, Welcome to The 365 New Days

I don't know how to express my feeling about new year. But, i know, it's time to say goodbye to 2017.

I have many stories about 2017. Maybe sad or happy, sometimes make me feel depressed until acnes come to destroy my face or sometimes make feel angry until i can't express again so i just keep my feeling. 

Here, i give y'all my flashback in 2017.

  • In 2017 i am totally a senior in my college because i'm in 7th semester and 8th semester.
  • On August i finished one step to graduation. That is... I do a proposal seminar for my paper and i got B+. A little bit disappointed but that's okay. Because i know how nervous i am and i've got blank when the 'judges' ask me so much questions.
  • Sometimes there's a time when i feel disappointed to somebody that i like (now, not again) because i know how asshole he is. Or sometimes i feel like i'm a totaly nerdy-lady who know one fact that the asshole boy make any relationship with the hottest girl in a class.
  • Sometimes i feel hopeless when i can't make a graduation on September, it makes me more depressed because i must take another semester to finish my paper so i can graduated soon on March 2018. Perhaps. I hope.
  • Sometimes i feel excited because i have so many customer to order my sketch, so i can get more income, eventhough it make me wasted a lot of time to continue my paper.
  • In 2017 too... most of my friends had a get married. Yap, married in young aged. Then i realize that i still single in 21st and still don't want to make any relationship with anybody.
  • On november 2017, i'm so excited because my family from Palembang comes to Jakarta! You must know that i've been meet them when im in class 2 on elementary. It's been so long right. I can see that my cousins grow bigger than me. Arya, Ihsan, Dela, Ucup, Riska, Andy, Brili, Kiki, and some of my cousin that i forgot their name. I miss them so muchoo.
  • And i feel so blessed when i see so much a good change to my daddy. A better change. So my prayers are not useless and i hope it can be everlasting change to my daddy into a better man, hubby, and daddy for his family.

So much happened in 2017 that i may be forgot. Flashback in 2017 make me know how i feel at that time. Maybe it doesn't that bad or maybe it seem like i have more another complicated problem in 2017, i don't even know exactly. That's not like i'm in 2016, that make me feel stressed since August - December because of PKM.

In January - Jully 2017, it's more like i feel comfy and i feel like i can handle my depress and anxiety. But when im in August-December 2017, which is i'm 21 on 13th August, it seem like my problem get bigger and more bigger all the time. I can't graduated, i feel depressed and hopeless to finish my paper so i just keep it with happy expression (i know it kinda fool), and mostly i scared to everything except the horror things (maybe).

2017, it more can formed me to be a mature woman. I can keep my feeling and i don't act like a 'labil' girl who post everything that happened in social media. 2017, more than just a year. 2017, it means everything that can be form me in future, am i be a good lady or maybe a bad lady. 2017, i can feel more blessed because i know who's really my best friends and who's really a fake one. T5VV, WW, Eng, Rani, i'm so lucky to have them in my whole life.

2017 will be ended and 2018 was come. I don't ask anything resolution on 2018. I just hope that i can be a better person who always patient when the problems come. I hope i can be the one who can do anything that i like, i want to be the one who can do a job according my passion. Last... in March 2018 i hope i can graduation from my college, and to be a bachelor that can make my parents feel proud of me.

The fireworks is began to lights up and peoples will be rejoice to waiting for the new year.

So, i'm gonna say...

Adiós 2017, Welcome to 2018!

"New year for a new day and a new changes!"

Jakarta, December 31th 2017

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Indira Pratiwi

Jakarta based ilustrator & dreamer. Born on 90's era. So, i like everything about 90's. More artwork, lets check:

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