Since 6 months ago we didn't met because of our busyness. We finally meet again! Starting from me who being bored at home, don't know what to do, feel anxious when i'm at home. Then i contact Rani via whatsapp. Therefore we met today, at Rani's home.
In our place (re : Rani's Room), we talked about college, friends, the latest gossip about k-pop, about jjong, and many more.
And then.... we watch Stranger Things! Until 3 hours passed.
We watch ST while eating cilok. Super delicious!
After that we watch mv k-pop, take lots of selcas (up to 89 photos!), and .... seeing wanaone albums.
We really had a great time.
Leaving home for 6 hours is a great idea. Excessive anxiety, fear of a big thing, and a sense of being trapped in a space, as if gone. I feel free and my burden is also gone.
I am happy.
I wanna say big thankyou to my best friend, Rani. Because you give me permission to go to your home. Releasing longing for old best friend. Hey, we are being best friend since 17 years ago, right?
I hope we can meet often.
And remember when we promise to traveling to korea? We can make it. InsyaAllah.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.