Rest In Peace, Kim Jonghyun.

I don't know he was send some signal for telling the people that he was sick, exhausted, and depression. He never show to everyone about how his feels.

He's lonely.

He try to fix his problem with go to the doctor, but he never find some answer for his problem. He think his problem going bigger day by day.

His depression caused by music. He always think that he's not talented. He wanna try to be good but he felt fail. Ironically, in some lyrics that he wrote, he always insert a word about depression or word like "you did well". I think he just want his talent recognized by people. People know his talent, people more give attention for him, and people appreciate his work.

Maybe it was just what i think about him. Now, he's gone. Forever. He died cause depression after a long time. I hope he can rest with peace. I always remember you and your songs. Here, i give y'all some piece of lyrics from his songs. The lyrics may explain his feeling and some signal about how he's felt before.

It’s alright if you run out of breath, no one will blame you
It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes, because anyone can do so
Although comforting by saying it’s alright
Are just words
- Breath

Be honest, you’re really lonely. Be honest, you know you can’t go on any longer
Since when were you alone?
It’s to the point where it’s awkward to look into my own eyes in the mirror
- Elevator

Someone please hold me, I’m exhausted from this world
Someone please wipe me, I’m drenched with tears
Someone please notice my struggles first, please acknowledge the poor me
Please help me
- Let Me Out


"Goodbye Jonghyun, you really did well. Now, you never feel hurt and depression again. All of your pain is gone. I know, yesterday was like a nightmare for you. Now they're gone. Sleep well, Jonghyun. Thankyou for everything you do in your life."

Deep condolences. From me, your fans. 


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Indira Pratiwi

Jakarta based ilustrator & dreamer. Born on 90's era. So, i like everything about 90's. More artwork, lets check:

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