Just because you're work doesn't good enough in some situation, isn't mean that you are always not doing well in a whole thing.
At least you try to be good, even though not a bit different than before.
It's okay.
At least, you try and always try to be good. Until you never feel worried again. Because you know that you always doing well as good as you can be.
I know, you're now sleep forever and can't wake up again. But, you know, you always doing well. Even days, months, and years passed i always remember you as an Idol who work really hard and always doing a good thing in your life until you passed away.
From the bottom of my heart, i wanna say
Thankyou so much for everything, Kim Jonghyun. Like a tittle of your last concert, you always be the one who inspired me that "you must be a good one who work hard and keep doing well as much as you can be". You always be the one who inspired me so much, Kim Jonghyun.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.