Maybe for some readers it's just a words. But for me, it's a self reminder to a little bit more care about some people around us. Maybe some of them need a help. Not take them to the hospital but just give them more attention and care to make their feel better and not being lonely.
Do you know how person who have a depression hiding their 'black-dog'?
A person who have depression can act like they're fine, even though sometimes their expression look different.
A person who have depression really want to have a friend who can feel their feeling.
A person who have depression look fine outside but exhausted inside. They're exhausted being alone in their circle that they have. They're afraid can't being free from their situation. They have feeling that their problem is getting bigger and bigger.
A person who have depression really need a good environtment, who really care and doesn't make them feel depressed.
It's so hard having depression.
They might be can hold their problem, but it doesn't make their problem disapear.
They might be can try to be patient, but it will make their pain getting bigger.
They need somebody who can concern to them, they need somebody who can motivate them that there's a place where someone have a bigger problem but still can survive and still happy, they need somebody who can make them be sure that their problem can be solve.
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